Train the


Standardized Safety Training Programs

ACTi is an industry preferred safety training vendor for “OVERHEAD CRANE HOISTING, RIGGING & MATERIAL HANDLING” training programs. We are among the first to have our material content audited annually, by an industry expert engineer. These audits ensure our clients that ACTi materials are in accordance to the most current applicable published national and international standards. This is our objective evidence of due diligence that “we have done everything reasonably practicable” to ensure our safety training programs meet the minimum compliance requirements of these standards. As well as reducing responsibility of liability in the event of an injury accident for ACTi, our instructors and clients.

ACTi Introduction and Standardization

I would like to thank you, for the opportunity to introduce ACTi’S training concepts and safety training products. Below is information as to what is presently happening in the crane industry across Canada and introduction of ACTi training programs.
The Canadian Standards Board has adopted the ISO International World Standard for Cranes for all overhead lifting equipment. Parts two through five are the instructions for the common types of lifting equipment and unique instructions to be documented by each country. The new CSA B167-08 can be purchased at then in the search box type in B167-08 cost $94.00 CDN. This is now the minimum standard in Canada and is applicable in all provinces that recognize existing CSA B167-96 standard. There is no grandfathering clause and is applicable on publication, also there is no minimum capacity, therefore is applicable to all overhead cranes and portal bridge cranes.

The new CSA B167-08 standard, stipulates that operator training on overhead travelling lifting equipment is a requirement prior to operating and also what the training content must contain as a minimum. What I like best about accepting the ISO standard is that they have combined hoisting and material handling into a single standardized training program. Reasoning is that the driver/operator is ultimately responsible for what happens below the hook. Therefore the driver/operator must have a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the material handling requirements (rigging, inspection-rejection, calculation and application) prior to operating all lifting equipment. The ISO standards have also stated the required steps for the material handling exercises that driver/operator must be able to successfully perform. (Practical hands-on testing) This is a very important part, as presently most safety training courses do not provide a thorough enough practical testing of the operator’s skills they learned from the theory part of the training. It is industry common practice to provide rigging courses in the classroom with no practical, as a crane is usually unavailable for hands-on testing.

In the United States, Federal OSHA recognizes the certification examination for overhead crane operations provided by the NCCCO. This examination is now also being recognized in a number of states as the minimum requirement for operating overhead lifting equipment. An overhead crane is similar to a forklift in that they are not recognized trades and therefore only considered as a tool utilized by a trades person to perform a job task. Presently throughout North America no one would consider operating a forklift without proper training and an operator’s certificate. In the near future this will also become a known common practice for all overhead lifting equipment.


Standardization for Safety Training Programs

Standardization is fast becoming a major factor for providing safety training for multiple site organizations. Presently, it is common practice for most large organizations to make each location independently responsible for selecting a training vendor to provide safety training for their overhead crane Operators.

There is no consistency and very little traceability for monitoring this method of safety training to the corporate office. Which ends up becoming “Just another cost incurred” i.e. worker injuries, WCB rate increases, down time, abuse of equipment, loss of production, fines, lawsuits, etc, etc. Standardization would ensure that the safety training will be delivered exactly the same every time. Each location would then only to include applicable jurisdictional requirements. Standardization of the safety training material content is also a very time efficient and cost effective way of ensuring the provided training is consistent throughout the organization. Standardization also makes it easier for the corporate office to develop objective evidence of due diligence ensuring compliance to all applicable required jurisdictional requirements.

ACTi primarily provides Licencing of our courseware in different types of Train-The-Trainer programs for in-house training applicable to our clients needs. I have attached some articles and more information will be provided at your request.

  1. “Engineer Certificates” (attachment) Audits are performed annually on our product material content to ensure current and compliant to all applicable standards and regs listed on the certificates.
  2. “Course Outlines” For both the operator and supervisor courses. ACTI’S courseware has been audited to the ISO 9926-1 standards for the past ten years; this means our practical testing (hands-on) is in compliance to the new CSA-B167-08 requirements, in that it mirrors the theory portion of the training. The additional Supervisor course is strongly recommended for all supervisory personnel as it will be of assistance assist for documenting and implementing all the required procedures. Properly delivered and maintained training will noticeably reduce all related costs and in a very short time the training costs will be totally recovered.

ACTi has done everything “Reasonably Practicable” to ensure the safety training we provide is complete and compliant to all applicable standards, codes and health & safety regulations by providing annual third party engineer audits of training material content. In the event of an accident or injury these audits also reduce a lot of our responsibility of liability to ACTI, our instructors and our clients. ACTI’S safety training is in compliance to the new CSA standard for training crane operators.
Further information will be provided at your request;




Judy Mellott has over 28 years of experience in the crane industry, starting as a partner with Bill Green in a successful overhead crane inspection and maintenance company.

She is responsible for forming three industry committees, chairperson for two, which resulted in two “Industry Best Practices Bulletins” published by AWHS (OH&S) including two subsequent revisions. These practices are still current and are the industry minimum requirement in Alberta.

Judy is a CSA Standards member and active technical committee member on the CSA B167-96 Crane Standard and assisted with the revised CSA B167-08 Standard to be in compliance with ISO 4301 International World Standards for Cranes.

She also participates as the CSA Member approved liaison on the ASME B30 Standards. She is a recognized ASME member and actively participates on subcommittees for chapters B30.11 and 17.

Judy has participated as a Task Force member on the NCCCO (National Commission for Certification of Crane Operators) certification program for overhead crane operators. As a direct result of her participation they changed the certification exam requirement to be applicable all overhead lifting equipment five tons and over.

ACTi is leading the industry by developing training material content that is standardized, in accordance and compliant to all applicable national and international standards. It is our mandate to set the industry minimum acceptable standard for safety training in North America.

Judy Mellott-Green ACTi CEO

Presently she works with AWHS (Alberta Workplace Health & Safety OH&S) assisting with revising the Codes and Regulations related to Cranes.

Judy is a recognized writer for “Hoisting & Rigging” as well “Rigging Help column” for two international magazines “HOIST” and “OCH”.

Site Instructor Train The Trainer Licence

The “Site Instructor” Train-The-Trainer Licencing program is for up to a maximum of four instructors. They are required to attend and successfully complete the above courses as participants prior to attending the T-T-T-program. In this course they are observed as the instructors.

Once this training is completed the company will need to designate one of the new instructors as a coordinator to work directly with ACTi. The monitoring process is the majority of a successful safety training program, as this is the only way the company can develop the required objective proof of due diligence for compliance to jurisdictional requirements.

This means it ensures they have done everything that is “reasonably practicable” to ensure worker and worksite safety, reducing responsibility of liability in the event of an accident or injury.


Lead Instructor Train The Trainer Licence

This package is designed specifically for large national or international companies/organizations that recognize standards listed on engineering certificates. Further information will be provided on request.

Expected results from ACTi’s safety training programs:

  • Properly trained overhead crane operators
  • Knowledgeable management/supervisory personnel to ensure continuance of the operators safe work practices
  • Cost recovery, reduction in all related costs
  • Traceability for the corporate office
  • Compliance to jurisdictional requirements
  • Reducing responsibility of liability to the company/supervisory personnel


Training Vendors/Distributors

With your needs in mind, we offer two levels of external training packages:

DISTRIBUTOR, which is the most comprehensive package we have to offer, and includes the Lead Train The Trainer Package, and a licence to teach ACTi’s Overhead Crane Operator & Rigging Courses, as well as the Site Train The Trainer Course, all across Canada and the U.S.

EXTERNAL VENDOR, is for Safety Training Vendors across Canada and the United States, who would like to offer the Overhead Crane Operator & Rigging Course to their own clients, and will not be teaching Site Train The Trainer.

Please feel free to contact us to discuss various pricing and licencing options.