About ACTi

All Canadian Training Institute Inc. (ACTi) the leader in crane safety training.

As a company, we’re proud to announce that ACTI is now entering our 29th anniversary! 

We began as a partner in a successful overhead crane inspection and maintenance company. All crane parts/service

However, since then, we have transitioned into the training space, where we provide several overhead crane operator safety training courses and licensing options.

About Us

All Canadian Training Institute Inc. (ACTi) is one of the first crane safety training companies in North America to be audited by an industry expert professional engineer.

The main purpose of these audits is to ensure our training material content and safe-work practices are in accordance and compliant to the most current published applicable national and international standards. This can lessen the chance of an injury accident for our clients and our instructors, lowering costs related to overhead crane incidents.

We offer training across Canada and the United States including Train-The-Trainer, Distributor & Safety Vendor Licences.

Our safety crane training programs are standardized, and therefore, applicable across Canada and the United States. This provides a corporate office complete traceability and the assurance that the training is consistent in delivery throughout all locations.


All Canadian Training Institute Inc. (ACTi) is leading the industry through change to crane safety training by “setting the industry minimum standard for training material content and delivery of safety training programs”.



ACTi construction workers and sites

Years Established

Employees Trained

A few achievements we’re proud of


ACTi has participated as a Task Force member on the NCCCO (National Commission for Certification of Crane Operators)

certification program for overhead crane operators. As a direct result of our participation, the certification exam requirement was changed to be applicable to all overhead lifting equipment five tons and over.


ACTi participates as the CSA B167 Member approved liaison

On the ASME B30 Standard main committee, continuing as a recognized ASME B30 member and actively participating in sub-committees for chapters B30.2 Overhead and Gantry Cranes including chapters 11 & 17.


CSA Standards member

We’re a CSA Standards member and active technical committee member on the CSA B167-96 Crane Standard. We also helped revise the CSA B167-08 in 2016, where we are still a member in good standing.


ACTi works with AWHS (Alberta Workplace Health & Safety OH&S)

Assisting with revising the Codes and Regulations related to Cranes. ACTi is a recognized columnist for Crane Hoist & Magazine, including “Hoisting & Rigging” as well “Rigging Help column” for two international magazines “HOIST” and “OCH”.

ACTi’s objective is to ensure workers are properly trained and that safe work practices are properly implemented and maintained. The end result is improving safety while operating crane equipment and reducing related costs.


Judy Mellott has over 28 years of experience in the crane industry, starting as a partner with Bill Green in a successful overhead crane inspection and maintenance company.

She is responsible for forming three industry committees, chairperson for two, which resulted in two “Industry Best Practices Bulletins” published by AWHS (OH&S) including two subsequent revisions. These practices are still current and are the industry minimum requirement in Alberta.

Judy is a CSA Standards member and active technical committee member on the CSA B167-96 Crane Standard and assisted with the revised CSA B167-08 Standard to be in compliance with ISO 4301 International World Standards for Cranes.

She also participates as the CSA Member approved liaison on the ASME B30 Standards. She is a recognized ASME member and actively participates on subcommittees for chapters B30.11 and 17.

Judy has participated as a Task Force member on the NCCCO (National Commission for Certification of Crane Operators) certification program for overhead crane operators. As a direct result of her participation they changed the certification exam requirement to be applicable all overhead lifting equipment five tons and over.

Judy Mellott-Green ACTi CEO

Presently she works with AWHS (Alberta Workplace Health & Safety OH&S) assisting with revising the Codes and Regulations related to Cranes.

Judy is a recognized writer for “Hoisting & Rigging” as well “Rigging Help column” for two international magazines “HOIST” and “OCH”.

Contact Us


PH: 780.466.3051

TOLL FREE: 1-877-452-2284
